
Allows setting hooks on keys (including the * wildcard). Only notification webhooks are supported at this time. Paths for hooks implicitly start after the implementations/manifests prefixes.


Hooks can be edited in the settings page, under the Hooks entry in the menu. There are also links from the key page to create or view hooks for this key.


Centralized storage in a JSON file at the git repo. Format:

    "id": "auto_generated_uid",
    "keyPath": "path/to/key",
    "type": "notification_webhook",
    "format": "json",
    "url": "http://some-domain/awesome_hook"
    "id": "auto_generated_uid",
    "keyPath": "wildcard/path/*",
    "type": "notification_webhook",
    "format": "json",
    "url": "http://some-other-domain/another_awesome_hook"


All GET APIs return an ETag header and all POST/PUT/DELETE APIs can optionally accept an If-Match header.

List all hooks

GET /api/v2/hooks/?keyPathFilter=url_encoded_key_path

The keyPathFilter query param is optional and filters results to that exact keyPath (not evaluating wildcards)


      "id": "auto_generated_uid",
      "format": "json",
      "id": "auto_generated_uid",
      "format": "json",
      "id": "auto_generated_uid",
      "format": "json",

Create a hook

POST /api/v2/hooks

Request body:

  "keyPath": "path/to/key",
  "type": "notification_webhook",
  "format": "json",
  "url": "http://hook-url"

Update a hook

PUT /api/v2/hooks/:id

Request body:

  "keyPath": "path/to/key",
  "type": "notification_webhook",
  "format": "json",
  "url": "http://hook-url"

Delete a hook

DELETE /api/v2/hooks/:id

The webhook request

Based on the format, it will format the call:

JSON format

POST request with JSON content showing the new state of the keys. Notes:

  • implementation is a string, and it might also be null depending on the key format
  • oldValue will be null when the key was newly created in this commit
  • newValue will be null when the key was archived

Example request body:

  "author": {
    "name": "author name",
    "email": "author@email.com"
  "updates": [
      "newValue": {
        "keyPath": "a/b/c",
        "manifest": {
          "key_path": "a/b/c",
          "meta": {
            "archived": false,
            "name": "a/b/c",
            "description": "",
            "tags": []
          "implementation": {
            "type": "file",
            "format": "jpad"
          "valueType": "string",
          "dependencies": []
        "implementation": "{
          \"partitions\": [],
          \"valueType\": \"string\",
          \"rules\": [
              \"Matcher\": {
                \"user.Country\": \"AA\"
              \"Value\": \"19\",
              \"Type\": \"SingleVariant\"
          \"defaultValue\": \"15\"
      "oldValue": {
        "keyPath": "a/b/c",
        "manifest": {
          "key_path": "a/b/c",
          "meta": {
            "archived": false,
            "name": "a/b/c",
            "description": "",
            "tags": []
          "implementation": {
            "type": "file",
            "format": "jpad"
          "valueType": "string",
          "dependencies": []
        "implementation": "{
          \"partitions\": [],
          \"valueType\": \"string\",
          \"rules\": [
              \"Matcher\": {
                \"user.Country\": \"AA\"
              \"Value\": \"19\",
              \"Type\": \"SingleVariant\"
          \"defaultValue\": \"17\"

Slack format

POST to a Slack webhook with a descriptive message on the event

Example request body:

  "text": "Tweek key changed!..."